Watch Red One all subtitle
"Red One" is a 2024 holiday action-comedy film directed by Jake Kasdan, featuring Dwayne Johnson as Callum Drift, the North Pole's Head of Security, and Chris Evans as Jack O'Malley, a renowned bounty hunter. The plot centers on their mission to rescue Santa Claus, codenamed "Red One," who has been kidnapped, leading to a globe-trotting adventure to save Christmas.
**Where to Watch:**
As of December 12, 2024, "Red One" is available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
**Subtitle Options:**
Amazon Prime Video offers a variety of subtitle options for "Red One," including:
- English [CC]
- العربية
- Català
- Čeština
- Dansk
- Deutsch
- Ελληνικά
- Español (Latinoamérica)
- Español (España)
- Euskara
- Suomi
- Français (Canada)
- Français (France)
- עברית
- Magyar
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Italiano
- 日本語
- 한국어
- Norsk Bokmål
- Nederlands
- Polski
- Português (Brasil)
- Português (Portugal)
- Русский
- Svenska
- ไทย
- Türkçe
- 中文 (简体)
- 中文 (繁體)
For viewers in Indonesia, including Babakangarut, you can select Bahasa Indonesia subtitles to enhance your viewing experience.
**How to Access Subtitles:**
1. **Start the Movie**: Play "Red One" on Amazon Prime Video.
2. **Subtitle Settings**: During playback, hover over the video to reveal playback controls.
3. **Select Subtitles**: Click on the "Subtitles" (speech bubble) icon and choose your preferred language from the list.
Please note that subtitle availability may vary based on your location and device.
For a preview of the film, here's the official trailer for "Red One":