Watch September 5 (2024) all subtitle
"September 5" is a 2024 thriller directed by Tim Fehlbaum, set during the 1972 Munich Olympics. The film follows an American sports broadcasting crew thrust into covering the hostage crisis involving Israeli athletes.
As of January 3, 2025, "September 5" is available for streaming on Apple TV.
For viewers in Babakangarut, West Java, Indonesia, Apple TV typically offers a range of subtitle options to accommodate diverse audiences.
To access the film with your preferred subtitles:
1. **Open the Apple TV app** on your device.
2. **Search for "September 5"** and select the film.
3. **During playback**, tap the screen to reveal playback controls.
4. **Select the speech bubble icon** to view available subtitle options.
5. **Choose your preferred subtitle language** from the list.
For the most accurate and up-to-date information on subtitle availability, it's advisable to check directly within the Apple TV app.
In the meantime, you can watch a presentation of "September 5" at the 2024 Venice Film Festival here: